Juice cleanses have intrigued me for a while, mostly because
celebrities do it and they are fabulous and I want to be fabulous
too. I have been hesitant to try one
though because (a) they are expensive and I don’t want to plunk down big bucks
for something I may vomit up later and (b) I have the willpower of a
sloth. Enter cousin KCool1. KCool1 has done the
BluePrint cleanse before
and just bought 2 GiltCity vouchers for the 3 day cleanse. She intended to use both of them herself but
when she found out I was interested, she so graciously offered to sell one
voucher to me. This seemed like a great
idea! I would get the cleanse at a discount
(score!) and I would have a juicing buddy to encourage me through the
Juice for one day |
The 3 day juice cleanse does not mean just 3 days of
juice. It entails 3 days of pre-cleanse
and 3 days of post-cleanse, which basically means going vegan for these 6 days
so as not to shock your system into and out of the juice. I cheated a little since Chipotle’s salad dressing
is a honey vinaigrette…but really it was only a small amount and come on, honey?! What could ever be wrong with honey??
Day 1
9:36 Juice 1 – “Green
Juice” Romaine, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lemon. It is really green, but not as bad as I thought. Smells worse than it tastes. Tastes very clean, like a salad with fruit in it. It actually is quite
refreshing after spending 30 minutes in the sweaty, humid subway. Everyone at work is eager to see me suffer
my progress.
11:27 Juice 2 –
Pineapple, Apple, Mint. THIS IS
AWESOME!! Throw some vodka in here and I
could drink this everyday! I am feeling
hungry though and I don’t know if this juice is gonna do the trick. Also everything is moving in semi-slow
motion, like I just don’t have my normal spring in my step.
1:02 Juice 3 – “Green Juice” Romaine, Celery, Cucumber,
Apple, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lemon. I
am starving. Couldn’t hold off until
1:30 when I planned to have Juice 3. Not
as refreshing now that I’m not a soggy, sweaty subway rat. Just bearable now. Still hungry after drinking all of it.
3:37 Juice 4 – Spicy
Lemonade. More sweet, not at all
spicy. This is pretty delicious but not
the flavor profile I was craving at the time.
I really wanted something salty and crunchy – Cheetos would have been
perfect. My stomach was rumbling pretty
loudly before I had this juice, but 20oz of water managed to confuse it into
thinking it was a little fuller. I’m
starting to notice the high level of acidity in all these juices…should I
counteract with a proactive TUMS? Is
that allowed? I just read that canker
sores or cold sores can develop as that’s a sign of the toxins exiting your
body. So my juices might make me look
like I have herpes…great.
6:14 Juice 5 – Apple,
Celery, Beet, Lemon, Ginger. I
started Juice 5 only to stay on schedule, not because I was hungry. Not my favorite one in the bunch, but way
better than the Green Juice. I drank
half of it before my Zumba class, and half after. I felt great during Zumba, my energy level
was up and I didn’t get lightheaded or feel weak.
9:37 Juice 6 – Cashew
Milk. Now I know what everyone was
raving about when they talked about this “juice.” It tastes like watered down leftover milk
from a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I
felt fullest and most satisfied after drinking this one.
I was pretty tuckered out by 11:30 (my usual bedtime is more
like 12:30) and fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow. I woke up feeling super peppy at 8:00. Usually I am dragging myself out of bed at
8:20, but on Day 2 I was ready to cartwheel across our studio to the
bathroom. Results of Day 1 -- 3lbs lost! Whhaaaattt?!?!? Let’s get Day 2 started!!!
I won’t go into as much detail for Days 2 and 3. I’ll just note that these days weren't much
easier like the reviews claim. I started to grow an immunity to the Green Juice, but the hunger pangs and cravings for Cheetos never
went away. I would describe it as being in a constant state of un-satisfaction for 3 days. I also really missed warm food. I got into the habit of smelling hot foods, as if inhaling them was almost like really eating them. I even made Mr. S let me smell his breath after he had some pizza for dinner. He didn't think it was that weird. True love.
I didn't make it through the 3 day post-cleanse since it only took 8 hours for me to succumb to a bowl of spaghetti and meat sauce made by Mama Rice Ball. For those of you who have had her spaghetti before, you know I stood no chance of winning that one. It wasn't without consequence though because I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pains.
Probably the hardest part about
the cleanse was living a normal social life.
I had to decline 2 dinner invitations, pass on tickets to a Mets game, and force Mr.
S to eat dinner before I got home – all just so I could avoid the temptation of
solid food. It helped to keep myself busy with non-food activities, so I actually enjoyed being at the gym because it meant being away from food. Also, it helps to stay away from Instagram because food porn is tor-ture.
Would I do the juice cleanse again? Most likely yes -- hey, weight loss is weight loss and I got so many compliments on my glowing skin. Next time around though I will definitely recruit more masochists participants and schedule it during the
most boring, un-fun 3 days of the year.
** Poop Alert! If you don't like poop, stop reading now**
For those of you wondering about my #1s and #2s, there were definitely a lot more #1s than #2s. Some people could debate that a few of those #2s should really be classified as 1.5s...