One of my very best friends is turning the big 3-0 in a few weeks. No matter which way we try to slice it, turning 30 is a big deal. The 3 somehow automatically makes people expect you to be a responsible adult. It’s not like you’ll ever say “Oh, those 30-somethings, they’re so crazy, hahaha!!”
In the 2’s you can still get away with “20-something.” In the 3’s, you’re hanging onto every. single. year.
“I’m not in my mid-30’s…I’m 33. Get it right!” Or at least that’s what I’ll be saying.
I’m 28 at the writing of this post, soon to turn 29 in a few months myself. The milestone birthday of my BFF has prompted me to reflect on my own feelings about turning 30. Here’s what I’ve come up with:
- Children. Children happen in your 30s. Supposedly it’s better to have them in our 20s, but there’s really nothing we can do about that now. I actually think having children in one’s 30s is preferable. I got to spend my 20s as a selfish girl living in the big city. It’s nice to have gotten that out of my system before bringing babies into the world.
- Travel. As in, now I have the money to do so, but I better hurry up before those children come along. I need to get to Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, and all other exotic destinations where strollers are more difficult to navigate.
- Settling down. This could mean settling down with a person, but really Mr. S and I have been settled for years now. It’s more like, settling into a routine that is, well, pretty lame. It’s already started to happen to me. My weekdays are completely predictable…gym schedule, tv schedule, they’re all set in stone. Will my life be as spontaneous as it was when I get to the 3?
- Having nice things. Ooh this is probably the best part about getting older. The NICE THINGS. Nice clothes, accessories, vacations, etc. This also goes hand in hand with…
- Money, money, money. Not that there is an infinite amount of it, but there is definitely more than when I was in my early 20s. However, I can see my superfluous spending dwindling in my 30s…see again “children,” and add “mortgage.”
So that’s what I have so far. And honestly, it really is about turning 30. For some reason 40 doesn't seem as scary as 30. 50 might be scarier...I’ll let you know when I get there.
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