Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Let's pick up where we left off

Every good blogger out there knows that the key to blogging is frequency.  So, in order to keep the ball rolling and because I have nothing else interesting going on in my life, I will complete the "25 Things You Don't Know About Me" list that I started back in April.  Yeah, that Ode to Spam post last week - totally filler.  I haven't had Spam in months.

Let's see...where did we get to...oh yes!

12.  I have a tattoo. I got it 2 years ago, although I knew that I wanted a tattoo long before then.  It took me about 10 years to figure out what I wanted -- turns out I wanted the sun and stars from the Filipino flag.  Placement was an issue since I have to be boring professional-looking at work.  So I chose the left side rib cage area which is only visible when wearing a bathing suit.  I would get more tattoos except I can't think of another secret place to put them.  Just in case I have an epiphany, I save my tattoo ideas to Pinterest.

13.  My first job was at a hockey pro shop when I was a senior in high school.  I knew nothing about hockey, and I still don't.  I was told that the pro shop would grow to include soccer accessories, but it never did. It grew to include swim accessories since we were located in the YMCA which had a pool.  Our best sellers were hockey tape and waterproof diapers.

14.  My favorite candy is Raisinets.  Not chocolate covered raisins -- Raisinets.  And don't try to fool me, I can always tell an impostor.

15.  My favorite color is metallic (i.e., gold, silver, bronze, copper, etc.)  Mr. S maintains that metallic is not a color.  Pshh, what does he know.

16.  If I had to participate in an "All You Can Eat" contest, I would have the greatest chance of winning with clementines.  Or maybe dill pickles.

17.  I am 4'11" and three-quarters.  I was going to throw myself a party when I reached 5', but it never happened.  I looked into getting a handicap sticker for my car but found out that I had to be under 5' and have a disproportionate build.  Darn...but wait!

18.  I have freakishly small hands.  I have not met another adult with hands smaller than mine.  I avoid having my hands in pictures because the camera makes them look smaller.

Ok , let's stop there because I may need some blog fodder later this month...

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